The IFB Core Cluster integrates a JupyterHub service that let you spawn Jupyter servers over the cluster.
This service is accessible from a simple web browser by connecting with your IFB Core Cluster account to https://ondemand.cluster.france-bioinformatique.fr
You need to have at least one active project on the cluster to be able to spawn Jupyter servers
Add custom environment to the JupyterLab#
To add custom environment for JupyterLab you need first to open a ssh session to the cluster (see Logging in).
Add a user-defined Python environment#
Create a conda environment:
module load conda
conda create -n <your-env-name> python=3.7 ipykernel
Install any specific Python librairies in this environment...
Register this new environment for Jupyter :
~/.conda/envs/<your-env-name>/bin/python -m ipykernel install --user --name '<your-env-name>' --display-name "My Python"
Add a user-defined R environment#
Create a conda environment with R:
module load conda
conda create -n <your-env-name> r-base=3.6.3 r-irkernel jupyter_client
Install any specific R librairies in this environment...
Start R:
conda activate <your-env-name>
Register the R environment for Jupyter
IRkernel::installspec(name = '<your-env-name>', displayname = 'My R', user = TRUE)
Add any existing conda R environment#
For example R 4.0.2 already installed on the cluster.
Start R:
module load r/4.0.2
Register the R environment for Jupyter:
IRkernel::installspec(name = 'r-4.0.2', displayname = 'Cluster R 4', user = TRUE)